We’ve been down this road before, and we survived it. We know the playbook. Some are referring to the next administration as Trump 2.0. Dare I say, it’s déjà vu all over again? Although I had a sense over the last couple of months that we would end up where we are...
Firm News
Immigration: Election Edition
Here we are again. It hardly seems like four years have passed since Donald Trump lost the 2020 election, and eight years since he became president. So much has happened since 2016, both good and bad. Readers of my articles know where I stand on immigration...
Whistleblower Protections for Immigrant Workers
I was recently reviewing a matter for a prospective client when it became clear to me that he was being taken advantage of, actually exploited, very terribly, by his employer. (What’s worse, his attorney seemed to be “in on it,” and though that too is very terrible,...
Uh Oh. You Missed a Filing Deadline. Now What?
Many years ago, I was appointed by then-Chief Judge Judith Kaye to sit on the Commission to Examine Solo and Small Firm Practice. My specific role on the Commission was to examine the availability and affordability of professional malpractice insurance for solo and...
Supreme Court to Hear Case Involving “Doctrine of Consular Nonreviewability”
I’ve spent a lot of time in this space hemming and hawing about the world that I practice law in. One thing I’ve written about ad nauseum is the stupidity of having to sometimes advise some corporate clients that the only way they can hire a foreign specialty...
Here We Go Again: FY2025 H-1B Cap Season
My annual missive about the tragicomedy that is the H-1B filing season is once again upon us. I would normally dive into this with some commentary about the H-1B program, how ridiculous it is that our clients have to endure a lottery process to see if they can hire...
Remote Work (and Immigration)
The president of the Albany County Bar Association recently wrote an excellent article about remote work, offering his thoughts about whether it’s good or bad, and asking for others’ thoughts on the issue. Here are mine (and to make them relevant, I’m sprinkling in...
Alphabet Soup: What Else Besides the H-1B?
Anyone in my generation will remember Campbell’s Alphabet Soup. By today’s standards it was probably not very good, nor good for you with all the sodium in it. But all the letters were supposedly in there, and we ate them all anyway. In my world, many immigration...
My Mentor
My father was admitted to the New York State Bar on December 9, 1959. He worked incredibly hard to get to that point. He first put himself through Syracuse while working three and four jobs, and graduated after two years because got accepted early to New York Law...
This article is not meant to be political. Indeed it’s actually meant to be a call for help. The situation in Afghanistan is awful, and obviously the manner in which the United States left Afghanistan left a lot to be desired. The Biden Administration’s...